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Articles For User Experience Designers & User Researchers

  • 0 What Is Known, Unknown & How Will You Learn?

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    Learning Plan A Learning Plan will help you find out what is known, unknown & how you will learn. It helps the team map out what you know, what you need to know and what you need to learn. Start With What You Know Keep in mind the main types of users, motivations, frustrations or delights. Note important features, functions or decision considerations and look at competitor products. Find out how much time users have and if there are any distractions. Find out what parts do they use most or least and what helps user goals? Certainties V Assumptions Work with the team for each assumption and indicate how confident you are, group questions and simplify. Brainstorm Research Methods For each question brainstorm how you will go about getting more information and think about the resources required. Plan Outputs What form will your evidence take?

  • 0 How To Perform Undercover User Research

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    Sometimes you just don't happen to work at a place that does any UX or has little budget or consideration for it. So in order to find out user concerns or behaviours you will need to go about it discretely... Think about target users - Who do you talk to and how? List your research questions - Mind map a list. Go into the field - Meet users in their environment and cover your research questions. Mine the data for insights - Review notes and build up a storage of information.

  • 0 How To Create Proto Personas In UX Design

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    Proto Personas help the team think empathically about user needs, goals and challenges. Plan A Workshop Create proto personas with the team and include people who have direct access to users. Set Expectations Explain how it gets everyone thinking about the people that use the product. Create Teams Split into 3s and ask each group to discuss what they suspect or know about users. Focus on one type and create a proto persona. Fill In Basic Info For Each Proto Persona Ask groups to create a story for this person, name,work,age,living and what they do before and after using the product? Bring The Proto Personas To Life Ask teams to add photos, quotes and other forms of real life colour. A day in their life for example? Share And Discuss Keep the ones that are relevant

  • 0 How To Perform A Heuristic Evaluation Exercise?

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    A Heuristic Evaluation Exercise is basically UX from start to finish. It helps you understand how the user experiences the product from start to finish whilst capturing observations. Block Off Some Time Set aside time to use the product from start to finish and capture observations. Begin At The Beginning Do as the user would do, even off screen. Pay Attention To Your Reactions Go slowly and be attentive to your inner voice. Go From Beginning To End Record as you go.

  • 0 How To Do A Comparative Analysis Of Products

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    There will more than likely be a competing product with similar features on the market, so it is important to see what is out there and how that compares to your product. Comparative Analysis helps teams find out what standards and best practices users expect in a similar product. Pick 5 similar products to evaluate Create a list of areas to evaluate Content, design, features, flow intuitiveness, opportunities strengths and weaknesses Walk through each product Make notes Summarise findings

  • 0 How To Analyse Content Patterns In UX Design

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    Content patterns are important in UX design because they have capability, access, structure and quality. So what content patterns do users have access to? How is the content structured and what is the overall quality? Pick key sections and look for recurring patterns or structure. Find the content patterns and list elements that come together then document what you find in a spreadsheet; e.g. user generated, editorial, instructional, support. Summarise key findings, share and discuss with the team.

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