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0 How To Build Support For UX In Your Company

How To Build Support For UX In Your Company

UX Is A Team Mindset

“What you make” and “how you work” - is a mindset.

Try to agree principles over processes.

Principles articulate a vision for a UX approach.

  1. Invite People
    • Be open, friendly and easily accessible and treat them as partners in the project
    • The more you can facilitate a cross functional team, the more you will empower others to feel ownership in the process
  2. Make Things Together
    • Meetings + Unstructured Conversations = Battlefield + Mixed Emotions
    • Make ideas by making quick examples in collaboration, filtering the creative evaluation of a shared vision.
    • Sketch, whiteboard or draw it out together.
  3. Listen Good
    • Facilitate and take interest in other people's perspective
    • Understand where they are coming from
    • Let them do some talking and ask why or when you need to
  4. Know What Is Good Enough
    • UX Work is never really done
    • Get an idea of what is good enough
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